
Hi, my name is Angela, and I’m the creator of the Socially Awkward Club.
I’m a socially awkward geek with autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, and depression. I’ve always struggled with making friends and felt like an outcast. I was teased for being quiet and keeping to myself. Often I felt like a freak and I hated how different I was from everyone else. I felt as if I needed to change myself to fit in. But that’s not true, our differences are what make us unique. Being quiet, enjoying your own company, or being awkward isn’t something to be embarrassed about. It’s something to be proud of because it’s a part of what makes you unique.
So I decided to create the Socially Awkward Club for all those who’ve felt like an outcast. As a way to inspire others to be themselves and be proud of what makes them special.
What is the Socially Awkward Club?
The Socially Awkward Club is a small creative project and community. Making apparel and merchandise to spread positive awareness about autism, anxiety, and being an introvert.
We all feel awkward, uncomfortable, or out of place in social situations sometimes. And, I want all of you awkward souls to know that you’re not alone. You don’t have to change who you are to fit in. Everyone experiences different levels of anxiety, and it’s ok to feel awkward or to prefer being alone.
Mental health is complicated, and sometimes knowing that someone is experiencing the same feelings can be validating. So remember you are not alone in your struggles someone else has gone through the same thing and they’ve gotten through it and so will you.
Thank you for stopping by and checking out the Socially Awkward Club.
Wanna know more?
If you’d like to know more please email me at shop@sociallyawkwardclub.com